Most people are familiar with maggots. Perhaps most people have never laid eyes on one single maggot before, but just about everyone knows that maggots are not generally considered appetizing. In fact, maggots are downright disgusting, as they feed on feces, rotting flesh, and decaying food. Of course, nobody in their right mind would want to eat such a revolting form of insect larvae, but considering the increasing popularity of edible insects, it may be wise to explore maggots as a food. Who knows? Maybe some cultures consider maggots to be a delicacy; perhaps everyone else is missing out on one of the best tasting forms of animal protein by disposing of perfectly good maggots. As it happens, maggots are sometimes consumed as food. However, the consumption of maggots comes with some very serious health risks.
In case you do not already know, the term “maggot” is the common name given to fly larvae. Maggots are sometimes used in medical settings. Despite the fact that maggots feed on materials and substances that contain numerous disease-causing microbes, maggots are great at preventing infections in humans by consuming the germs that are present within people’s wounds.
Maggots have been known to cause intestinal conditions upon being consumed, but these conditions are experienced most often by farm animals, and not humans. Maggots are not necessarily known for causing food poisoning. In fact, maggots are sometimes consumed as crispy fried maggots, and they are touted as being a type of gourmet food in some cultures. In case you found yourself accidentally consuming maggot-infested food items, you will, luckily, vomit from food poisoning before maggot-microbes cause intestinal conditions, such as intestinal myiasis. Eating foods that contain fly eggs is bad news, as these eggs will survive stomach and intestinal acids. Once the eggs hatch, the maggots will begin to eat into a person’s internal organs, resulting in intestinal myiasis.
Have you ever spotted maggots within your food?