
Johnny B’s Pest Control will be updating its blog each week with tips on pest prevention and monthly specials! Stay tuned!

Common Ants Around Boston Homes

Common Ants Around Boston Homes

Ants are one of the most common pests homeowners in Boston encounter. While they might seem harmless, some species can cause significant damage to your property or pose health risks. Here’s a guide to help you identify the most common ant species around Boston homes...

Common Cockroach Species in Boston

Common Cockroach Species in Boston

Cockroaches are among the most resilient pests, frequently infiltrating homes, restaurants, and businesses. In Boston, several cockroach species are commonly encountered. Identifying the specific species can aid in effectively managing these unwelcome guests. Here’s a...

Keeping Cockroaches Out of Your Home

Keeping Cockroaches Out of Your Home

1. Seal Entry Points Cockroaches can enter your home through even the tiniest cracks and crevices. Inspect your home for potential entry points and seal them with caulk or weatherstripping. Pay special attention to: Gaps around windows and doors Cracks in the...

How to Keep Ants Out This Summer with Johnny B’s Pest Control

How to Keep Ants Out This Summer with Johnny B’s Pest Control

1. Seal Entry Points Ants are masters of finding tiny cracks and crevices to enter your home. Inspect your windows, doors, and foundation for any gaps. Use caulk or weather stripping to seal these entry points and prevent ants from sneaking in. 2. Keep Food Sealed...

How to Prevent Rodent Infestations in Your Home: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Prevent Rodent Infestations in Your Home: A Comprehensive Guide

Rodents are more than just a nuisance; they can pose significant health risks and cause extensive damage to your home. These pesky invaders, including rats and mice, are known for their ability to adapt and infiltrate even the smallest of openings. Understanding how...

The Benefits of Regular Pest Inspections During Summer

The Benefits of Regular Pest Inspections During Summer

Regular pest inspections are a key component of effective pest management, especially during the summer months when pest activity is at its peak. This blog post will explore the benefits of regular pest inspections and why they are essential for maintaining a...

Comprehensive Guide to Boston Rat Control with Johnny B’s Pest Control

Comprehensive Guide to Boston Rat Control with Johnny B’s Pest Control

As a bustling urban center, Boston offers its residents and businesses a vibrant environment filled with opportunities and attractions. However, with the advantages of city living come the challenges of pest control—none more notorious than rat infestations. If you’ve...

Keeping Your Family Safe from Ants: A Comprehensive Guide

Keeping Your Family Safe from Ants: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Ant Behavior Before diving into prevention and control methods, it’s essential to understand why ants invade homes: Food Sources: Ants are constantly on the lookout for food. Even the smallest crumbs or spills can attract them. Water: Ants need water to...

Keeping Cockroaches Out of Your Home

Keeping Your Home Rodent Free

Rodents are unwelcome guests in any home. Not only do they pose serious health risks by spreading diseases, but they can also cause substantial damage to your property by gnawing on everything from electrical wires to important documents. Fortunately, with the right...

The Benefits of Regular Pest Inspections During Summer

The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Ants Away from Your Home

Ants: those tiny, industrious creatures that can turn your home upside down without even paying rent. Despite their size, ants are capable of creating substantial problems in your household, from ruining food to causing structural damage. Fortunately, there are...