Common Misconceptions Concerning Arthropod Pest Control
There is no such thing as a truly bug-free home, and although houses can be modified to reduce the number of arthropod pests that gain entrance indoors, “bug-proofing” a home is not, in the strict sense of the term, possible. No matter how clean, expensive, or new a particular house may be, it undoubtedly contains an array of arthropod species in every room. These statements cannot be argued, as a recent scientific study found that numerous arthropod species habitually maintain a permanent presence within all homes. However, this does not mean that all homes are infested with arthropod pests, as the term “pest” in this context refers only to arthropods that have a negative impact on humans and or the structures that they infest. The idea that a home can be cleared of all insect and arachnid organisms is a myth, but keeping structurally and medically harmful arthropod pests, as well as nuisance arthropod pests, out of a home is, indeed, possible.
Many types of arthropod pests are known for favoring indoor habitats that are cluttered and unsanitary, such as cockroaches, spiders and flies. However, even the most immaculate homes can become infested with arthropod pests. For example, carpet beetles may invade a well-kept home solely to feed on fabrics, and bed bugs will thrive in any home by hitching a ride on people’s clothing or accessories, like purses, backpacks or luggage. That being said, well-kept homes are far less likely than poorly maintained homes to become infested with arthropod pests. While bug-spray products can be handy for killing arthropod pests that wander indoors, there are very few retail products that have proven effective at ridding homes of arthropod infestations.
Ultrasonic pest repellents are one of the newest arthropod control products that have been getting a lot of press lately, but unfortunately, several academic studies have demonstrated that arthropod pests are not deterred from invading homes due to the supposedly unpleasant sound frequencies emitted by these products. In fact, many companies are now being sued by the Federal Trade Commission for falsely claiming that the ultrasonic pest repellent products that they produce effectively control arthropod pests within homes. Luckily, there are several ways in which homeowners can greatly reduce the chances of arthropod infestations, and modern professional-grade pest control methods will effectively eradicate even the most stubborn insect pests from homes. Keeping cracks, crevices and other entry points on the exterior walls of a home sealed with caulk or blocked with a mesh screen barrier will go a long way toward preventing arthropod pest invasions. It is also important to keep indoor moisture levels as low as possible, as most arthropod pests, particularly termites, ants and cockroaches, can only thrive in high-moisture environments.
Have you ever used a commercially available pest control method with success?