During the past week, two very important cockroach-related incidents occurred that could change the future of all life on earth. The first incident involved a highly educated former pharmaceutical employee successfully using cockroaches as a method of green waste disposal. This method could potentially recycle all the garbage that is currently crowding the earth. The second incident involved the closing of a Hooters Restaurant as the result of a heavy cockroach infestation. The roach infested and family-friendly eatery is located at 12709 W. U.S. Highway 98 in Panama City, Florida. Perhaps the roach infested restaurant is not earth shattering news, but many longtime Hooters patrons may rethink their allegiance to the popular chain after learning that food-quality is not their top priority.


In the Zhangqiu district in Jinan, Henan province, millions of cockroaches are being bred in order to have them feed on waste materials located within landfills. Unlike other Chinese roach farms, this farm does not produce roaches for use in products; instead the cockroaches are bred solely for eating garbage. The cockroaches feast on an estimated fifteen tons of waste each day. This massive amount of garbage accounts for around a quarter of all the trash produced in the district. Every year China uses fermentation to dispose of sixty tons of waste. This particular waste disposal method is not efficient and it pollutes the environment. The new cockroach-based method of waste disposal does not contribute to greenhouse gases at all. Hopefully, this new and highly efficient method will be given more attention as a legitimate waste disposal alternative in the future.


In other recent cockroach-related world events, the sometimes controversial restaurant chain known as Hooters recently closed a location overnight after inspectors found several live roaches within the kitchen. Inspectors with the Department of Business and Professional Regulation cited the restaurant for one high priority violation, two intermediate violations and five basic violations. The inspectors counted a total of forty cockroaches invading numerous areas of the kitchen. These areas included the steam table, sauce table, and even raw chicken wings. I guess the Hooters restaurant chain is not committed to serving quality food after all.


If you learned that your favorite restaurant had been infested with cockroaches, would you avoid eating there again?


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