Get Rid Of Indoor House Centipedes

Get Rid Of Indoor House Centipedes

Nobody living within a home in the northeast United States needs an introduction to Scutigera coleoptrata, which is an arthropod species better known to people as the “house centipede.” While the house centipede has established a nationwide distribution since it was...
How Living With Each Other Shaped Humans And Ants

How Living With Each Other Shaped Humans And Ants

While humans and ants couldn’t be further apart physiologically, we do have a lot of traits in common. Both species live in social structures that can be very organized and complex, making use of elaborate means of communication. These social structures are also...
Life Inside An Ant Colony

Life Inside An Ant Colony

If you’ve ever seen a flooded ant colony, you know just how organized these insects can be, especially when evacuating the queen and her eggs. Ant colonies can range from small outposts to sprawling settlements, and they usually consist of one queen and many, many...